admin 发表于 2016-8-22 16:37:30

Unity 3D for Mac 4.6.3 – 游戏引擎 最新绿化版


Name: Unity 3D 4.6.3 +
Version: 4.6.3
Mac Platform: Intel
Includes: K

OS version: 10.8 +
Processor type(s) & speed: Intel (64bit)
RAM minimum: Not Listed
Video RAM: Not Listed


OS: Mac OS X 10.8+.
GPU: Graphics card with DX9 (shader model 2.0) capabilities. Anything made since 2004 should work.

UNITY 4.6.3
The Unity 4.6.3 release brings you some improvements and fixes. Read the release notes below for details.

For more information about the previous main release, see the Unity 4.6 release notes.


iOS: Added Metal rendering support. By default Metal will be used on capable devices. You can force graphics to be OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0 only in player settings.

Asset Loading: Added names of affected assets to the error message when a hash collision occurs while generating asset bundles.
BlackBerry: Passport device now supports landscape orientation.
Documentation: Fixed broken links, particularly in UI docs.
Documentation: Updated documentation for iOS 64-bit and UI.
iOS: Added launch screen support for iPhones.
iOS: Added PlayerSettings.shortBundleVersion which is linked to the CFBundleShortVersionString stored in the Info.plist file; this relates to short public version string. PlayerSettings.bundleVersion can now be used for full incremental build version and is linked to CFBundleVersion.
iOS: Allow to set compile flags for already existing files in Xcode API.
iOS/IL2CPP: Added support for async delegates (BeginInvoke/EndInvoke).
iOS/IL2CPP: Disabled Script Debugging option when building iOS projects with IL2CPP scripting backend.
iOS/IL2CPP: Implemented .NET classes: for ThreadPool, Asynchronous Sockets, WebRequest.
iOS/IL2CPP: Optimize methods that use string literals and memory used for string literals.
Shaders: Added UNITY_NO_SCREENSPACE_SHADOWS, UNITY_NO_RGBM, UNITY_NO_DXT5nm macros; better to check for these instead of hardcoding checks for “GLES or GLES3” and similar.
Shaders: MRT support on OpenGL ES 2.0 via GL_EXT_draw_buffers.
Shaders: Support for GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch. If you have a pixel shader with an “inout” color, it gets translated to use shader framebuffer fetch on GLES2/GLES3/Metal. Use UNITY_FRAMEBUFFER_FETCH_AVAILABLE macro in shaders to conditionally enclose that.
UI: Exposed IsAddedToManager on Behaviour.
UI: Improved ordering for the EventOrdering.
UI: Optimized adding/removing Graphics to a Canvas. It should be much cheaper to enable and disable Graphics now.

A whole bunch of fixes were done for initial iOS 64 bit support (released in 4.6.2) + LOTS MORE FIXES.

   More information:


OS X 10.7 or Later
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