admin 发表于 2016-8-22 18:12:23

SiteSucker for mac 2.7.2 – 自动下载完整的网站源码 最新绿化版

SiteSucker is an application that automatically downloads Web sites from the Internet. It does this by copying the site’s HTML documents, images, backgrounds, movies, and other files to your local hard drive. Just enter a URL and click a button and SiteSucker can download the entire site.
SiteSucker can be used to make local copies of your Web sites for easy maintenance. SiteSucker can download files unmodified, or it can “localize” the files it downloads, allowing you to browse a site off-line.
SiteSucker is donationware (uncrippled shareware). Pay any amount of money SiteSucker is worth to you or use it for free.

Screenshot 软件截屏:

System requirements 系统要求:
[*] OS X 10.7 or Later
Links password 下载密码(百度云链接密码):
链接: 密码: dat3
documents download
页: [1]
查看完整版本: SiteSucker for mac 2.7.2 – 自动下载完整的网站源码 最新绿化版