admin 发表于 2016-8-22 12:09:52

Autodesk SketchBook Pro 2015 7.0.0 for mac – mac下专业的绘画软件 中文版 最 ...


Autodesk SketchBook Pro是一款漂亮的绘画工具,使用备受赞誉的Autodesk SketchBook Pro,自由发挥您的创造力。
只需轻触笔尖,您就可以按自己的方式使用此款业界最强大的绘画和绘图工具集,此款灵活的高品质应用程序提供基于手势且友好的用户界面,构建于Alias已获专利的Marking Menu技术基础之上。
Autodesk SketchBook Pro软件专为与平板电脑或数码笔手写板配合使用而设计,提供了业界顶级工具:快速感应式铅笔、马克笔和画笔;钢笔驱动式图层;背景模板;75笔划放弃/重做选项以及独一无二的平移/缩放工具,并且使用精心设计、简洁明了的用户界面以及快速直观的工作流程,在数分钟内您即可以获得高质量的数字草图。
Autodesk Sketchbook Pro is an application for drawing and plotting, designed specifically for use with digital tablets and tablet PCs. The program has a friendly user interface, based on a recognition of hand movements, which so quickly reacts to user actions and is so intuitive that even new users can be productive within minutes. This graphic is a new generation programme, focused on the natural action of the user. Designed specifically for digitizers and tablet PCs, Sketchbook provides all the tools necessary to move from pen and paper to a digital environment.


[*] OS X 10.7 or Later
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查看完整版本: Autodesk SketchBook Pro 2015 7.0.0 for mac – mac下专业的绘画软件 中文版 最 ...