admin 发表于 2016-8-22 12:07:13

HandyPrint Pro 5.1.1 airprint协议打印工具 最新绿化版

handyprint?V5是64位应用程序,允许你的Mac OSX版打印从您的iPod,iPhone,iPad和打印机,我们不支持airprint协议。V5 has been重新设计了应用similar to the ones标准,你会发现in the苹果的应用程序商店。你简单地复制它to the应用文件夹和运行它从那里。一次你把应用开关to我们会开始on its own每次用户登录你的帐户。没有need to start the扳应用。
handyPrint? v5 is a 64 bit Mac OSX application that allow you to print from your iPods, iPads and iPhones on printers that do not support the AirPrint protocol. v5 has been re-designed as a standard application similar to the ones you would find in the Apple App Store. You simply copy it to the Applications folder and run it from there. Once you turn the application switch to ON it will start on its own every time you login to you user account. No need to manually start the application.

Screenshot 软件截屏:

System requirements 系统要求:
[*] OS X 10.7 or Later
Links password 下载密码(百度云链接密码):
百度链接: 密码: 3mxf      默认解压密码:mojado
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查看完整版本: HandyPrint Pro 5.1.1 airprint协议打印工具 最新绿化版