admin 发表于 2016-8-22 10:08:36

Voila for mac 3.9.1 – 专业级的屏幕录像软件 最新绿化版

Voila 3.9.1是一个屏幕捕捉,记录,和注释工具,是MAC的屏幕捕获、屏幕录制功能,一个功能齐全的更换。它有一个大的和强大的编辑,组织,注释,和效果的工具,允许用户创建和截图,视频教程,添加细节,和报告。
Voila is a screen-capture, recording, and annotation tool that is a full-featured replacement for Mac’s screen-capture and screen-recording capabilities. It has a large and robust set of editing, organizing, annotation, and effects tools that allows the user to create and add details to screenshots, tutorials, videos, and presentations.
Voila lets you capture any shape, menu, webpage, or DOM element, capture multiple regions, and capture from iSight. Add annotations like arrows, text, lines, shapes, brushstrokes, paint, callouts, stamps, and images as annotations. Add cool effects such as filters, edges, and skew, and share via Mail, Flickr, FTP, SFTP, or iPhoto.
With Voila you can record full screen video or a selected region, along with the audio from the computer or from a mic. You can export videos in different file formats, or upload to YouTube, FTP, or SFTP.
Voila lets you organize images in smart collections and custom collections, along with tags, title, and other metadata. All the snaps are maintained in the central library. Download Voila and unleash your creativity and extract the productivity.

Screenshot 软件截屏:

System requirements 系统要求:
[*] OS X 10.7 or Later
Links password 下载密码(百度云链接密码):
链接: 密码: cpmk
页: [1]
查看完整版本: Voila for mac 3.9.1 – 专业级的屏幕录像软件 最新绿化版