admin 发表于 2016-8-22 15:51:32

Final Cut Library Manager for mac 2.70 – Final Cut资源管理器 最新绿化版

Housekeeping for your Libraries!
All your libraries, just one window
Choose which drives to include
All of your indexed FCP libraries are immediately
displayed together in one window
Sort by name, size, date
Open them with a double click, even alone if required no more need to close them one-by-one in Final Cut Pro!
Filter your libraries by name
The bars show the different media types contained by the library:

[*] Gray. Camera native media files.[*] Blue. Optimized files.[*] Purple. Proxy files.[*] Green. Render files.

Screenshot 软件截屏:

System requirements 系统要求:
[*] OS X 10.7 or Later
Links password 下载密码(百度云链接密码):
链接: 密码: der2
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查看完整版本: Final Cut Library Manager for mac 2.70 – Final Cut资源管理器 最新绿化版